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Custom Course Readers

The best way to be sure that students have exactly the right materials at the lowest price is to use a UCLA Custom Course Reader. Include your own original material or works from other sources including articles, sections of books, images, graphs, maps, open source documents, quizzes – anything your students need. UCLA Custom Course Readers are available in traditional print format, or now in a dynamic new ebook format which allows you to include audio, video, and hyperlinks. Both formats are sold in the UCLA Store and online.

Our services include:
  • Free pick-up and delivery
  • Complete document clean-up, proofing, and editing
  • Copyright clearance
  • Professor royalties
  • Wide variety of finishing options
  • Digital storage of your masters
  • Reproduction of out-of-print books
  • Complimentary desk/library copies
  • Digital eReader format

Join our growing list of highly satisfied customers. Contact us today at 310-825-2831 or for more information about our products and services.


Ordering an UCLA Course Reader Solutions reader is easy. Just fill out the Course Book Requisition Form. You can download it, get it through your department coordinator, or from the UCLA Course Readers Office located at A237 in A-Level, Ackerman Union (southwest corner of the textbooks store). Fill out one form for each book, compendium, manual or syllabus to be printed.

We accept materials in original or photocopied form, although we prefer working with originals as they make better copies. Please include a complete bibliography. (See copyright information.) You may mark pages to be reproduced with Post-It Notes or paper clips.

We can publish original materials for you, including your own books-in-progress, workbooks, lab manuals and syllabi. You may supply these in the form of clean, one-sided copies or in digital format. Make sure you compile all your material in sequential order. Remember that the quality of your original materials will determine the quality of your finished UCLA Course Reader Solutions reader.

Copyright Information

Copyright permission is not an option. Copying all or part of a work, or using electronic reserves without obtaining permission, constitutes unauthorized use and violates the rights of the author or publisher of the copyrighted work. To assist you in being part of the academic mission to teach respect for ideas and the intellectual property that expresses those ideas, UCLA Course Reader Solutions will seek permissions and pay property royalties in order to produce your course readers in a lawful manner. If you need information or guidance about fair-use laws or ownership of a copyright, please contact us.

To help us expedite permission requests please provide a bibliography with as much of the following information as possible.

  • Title of article, chapter or selection
  • Source of material
  • Page numbers of selection
  • Author
  • Publisher
  • ISBN numbers
  • University of California Policy regarding copyrighted material